Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Christmas Eve Age-old Tradition Brings Good Fortune

An Article about Yambol on Christmas Day from the Epoch Times. To read the whole article click on the link:

Bulgarian dancers
Bulgarian dancers from the town of Yambol wait before performing a pagan traditional dance named Koledari (Koleduvane), in central Sofia. Koledari is an important ancient pagan festival that coincides with the Winter Solstice in December.

For 15 years, the town of Yambol, situated in the southern part of Bulgaria, which is in Eastern Europe, has hosted the National Koledari Feast on Christmas Day. For this year’s celebration, 37 Koledari groups will gather from various parts of the country for a contest in the town’s main square.

Koledari Songs

Koledari songs are typical in Bulgarian folklore tradition, which mingles Christian rituals with pagan legends. The song texts cover topics like wishing one good health, long life, an abundant crop, luck, love, happiness, and joy. Some tell stories about age-old professions: about the farmer, the harvester, the shepherd, the mayor, the tailor.

clipped from en.epochtimes.com