Bulgaria harvests 1.6M tons of premium wheat -expert
10:45 Wed 13 Aug 2008 - dnevnik.bg
At least 1.6 million of Bulgaria's 4.3-million-ton wheat crop harvested this year is of premium quality, said Zlati Zlatev, director of the government's grain executive service.
The government official dismissed as untrue earlier reports that as much as 80% of the wheat crop was only good enough for animal feed and the country would have to import quality wheat.
The record harvest has depressed domestic prices, more or less keeping a lid on commodity trading in the first month after the 2008 crop came to the market.
After Bulgaria joined the EU, State Fund Agriculture no longer subsidises grain storage. Farmers have to sell immediately to secure cash for the fall sowing.
Wheat exports also remain sluggish despite a recent farming ministry statement that over 200,000 tons of wheat and barley had been shipped abroad in a month.
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