Don’t you just hate money minded companies raping nature? It really is typical of this materialist world to reduce a part of a beautiful countryside into a slag pile minus any traces of gold within. Who will benefit from this gold digging exploit? Not Bulgaria that's for sure, but some foreign money minded already rich company who have masses of collateral finance to invest in this. Let’s hope they don’t find any gold in their search and p*** off.

South-east Europe (ed. Bulgaria and Serbia) focused Canadian gold miner EurOmax Resources Limited (TSX-V: EOX) has commenced drilling programmes at its Bulgarian properties to test mineralised veins in preparation for early production.
The current three hole diamond drilling programme at Breznik is aimed at obtaining diamond drill-core for metallurgical testing and test all four mineralised veins.
The Breznik project is estimated to have a JORC compliant indicated resource of 1,079,000 tonnes grading 2.01 grammes per tonne (g/t) gold and 6.05 g/t silver and an inferred resource of 689,000 tonnes at 1.79 g/t gold and 5.66 g/t silver. The resource was calculated only for the main vein over a strike length of 800 metres, while mineralization has been mapped over a strike of more than 3 kilometres. Most of the drill holes reported high grades from 3.5 g/t to 54.1 g/t.
The company is currently evaluating the potential of this deposit for exploitation of the higher grade material with a low impact underground mining operation.