Who says there has to be a smoking ban in Bulgaria to fall in line with the rest of Europe? Brussels, that’s who. Where did they get these statistics saying that the majority want a smoking ban to become mandatory? If a vote were given in Bulgaria it would be a different picture and if those statistics were used for Europe there would be a statutory requirement to smoke!
I am not for smoking, but an advocate for freedom and getting rid of the rigid uniformity that the EU forces in countries that are losing their character. Whether good or bad this is what makes individual countries what they are. It has become increasingly obvious that freedom in Bulgaria, which is what they fought for after the Ottoman and again for a democratic system in 1991, is gradually being taken away from them.
I’ve said before, the EU can impose a ban here but it won’t happen in practice.
I am not for smoking, but an advocate for freedom and getting rid of the rigid uniformity that the EU forces in countries that are losing their character. Whether good or bad this is what makes individual countries what they are. It has become increasingly obvious that freedom in Bulgaria, which is what they fought for after the Ottoman and again for a democratic system in 1991, is gradually being taken away from them.
I’ve said before, the EU can impose a ban here but it won’t happen in practice.

The European Union commission on Tuesday called for public places throughout Europe to be smoke-free by 2012 in order to tackle the deadly effects of passive smoking.
"It is my firm belief that each and every European merits full protection from tobacco smoke," said EU Health Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou.
"There is a wave of support from the general public and we will work with member states to make this a reality," she added.
Currently, 10 of the 27 EU countries have comprehensive smoke-free laws.
Britain and Ireland have introduced the strictest smoke-free provisions with a complete ban on smoking in enclosed public places, on public transport and in workplaces.
A similar ban is due to come into force in Bulgaria next June.
A recent Eurobarometer poll showed popularity mounting for smoke-free policies, with 84 percent of Europeans supporting smoke-free offices and other indoor workplaces and 77 percent in favour of smoke-free restaurants.
While the figure drops when considering bans in bars and pubs the poll nonetheless showed a majority of 61 percent in favour.
The commission, the EU's executive arm, called for laws throughout Europe to ban smoking on enclosed public places, workplaces and public transport within three years.
It also called for supporting measures such as protecting children, encouraging efforts to give up tobacco use and pictorial warnings on cigarette packets.
Italy, Malta, Sweden, Latvia, Finland, Slovenia, France and the Netherlands have introduced smoke-free legislation allowing for special enclosed smoking rooms.
However, in other EU nations, "citizens and workers are still not fully protected from exposure to tobacco smoke in indoor workplaces and public places," the commission said.
Source: www.google.com